Our first peer-reviewed publication from the PLAN-B project focuses on mechanistic pathways of anthropogenic noise impact on birds, providing a potential basis for predicting how birds may respond to noise in different settings.
Defining Mechanistic Pathways for Anthropogenic Noise Impact on Avian Species.
Given the recent reports of major global declines in bird populations and that one in eight bird species is threatened with extinction, there is considerable conservation interest in this wildlife group. Many studies have reported associations between noise and a response in birds, but relatively few address the mechanisms of impact.
We compiled anatomical and physiological datasets for species representing nineteen orders of the class Aves. Information on noise sources, propagation path and habitat selection was also collated. Bird order was not a good predictor of bird hearing frequencies, but body dimensions were. In general, smaller birds were found to have higher peak hearing frequencies than larger birds and cranium height was the strongest predictor of peak hearing frequency. Our findings provide mechanistic context to noise impacts on birds and may facilitate prediction of avian responses to different noise environments.
The work presented in this publication was undertaken in collaboration with the EC RefMap Project, which includes studies on the impact of drone (unmanned aerial system) noise on birds.

Defining Mechanistic Pathways for Anthropogenic Noise Impact on Avian Species.

PLAN-B: Tackling the effects of noise and Light Pollution
An alternative plan is required to achieve the the EU’s 2030 biodiversity target. PLAN-B takes an integrated, multidisciplinary and multi-actor approach to deliver better understanding and support reduction of light and noise pollution impacts on terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem services.