Travis Longcore is a leading expert in the effects of light pollution on wildlife with experience including basic science, literature synthesis, project impact assessment, and mitigation design. He is eager to contribute to collaborate with the European research community in protecting terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystems from the adverse impacts of light and noise pollution.

Longcore is an Adjunct Professor in the UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability and Co-Chair, Environmental Science and Engineering (D.Env.) Program. He is an Associate Editor of PLoS ONE and Urban Ecosystems and is a Certified Senior Ecologist (Ecological Society of America) and a GIS Professional (GISP). He also serves as the Science Director of The Urban Wildlands Group.
Dr. Longcore conducts research on environmental health, focusing on the conservation of biodiversity in cities and beyond and the application of spatial tools to human health exposures. His research includes investigation of the effects of artificial night lighting on wildlife and human health; mapping, modeling, and management of species and habitats; reconstruction of historical landscapes to better understand current and future land management options; and use of big spatial data to assess impacts and evaluate mitigations for exposure to extreme heat. His landmark article “Ecological Light Pollution” (Longcore and Rich 2004) and 2006 co-edited book Ecological Consequences of Artificial Night Lighting (Island Press) have come to define a new and rapidly growing research area in ecology.
Importance of the External Advisory Board in a PLAN-B
The External Advisory Board (EAB) plays a crucial role in the success of our project, providing an independent and expert perspective that ensures the quality and relevance of the work conducted. The EAB offers strategic advice and guidance on the scientific and technical direction of the project. Its role includes periodic review of project progress, identification of potential risks, and suggesting corrective measures to mitigate those risks. Additionally, the EAB facilitates connections with international networks and promotes the dissemination of project results to a broader audience, increasing the project’s impact and visibility.
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Images property of Travis Longcore.