City Officials and Researchers Collaborate to Reduce Artificial Light’s Impact on Health, Wildlife, and Urban Landscapes
Gdańsk is increasingly recognizing the adverse effects of light pollution on both human health and the environment. In response, the city is taking proactive measures to address and mitigate these impacts.
In 2021, the Gdańsk University of Technology became the first research institution in Poland to join the international Globe at Night – Sky Brightness Monitoring Network (GaN-MN). By installing a specialized SQM-LE sensor on campus, the university continuously measures sky brightness, contributing valuable data to global research on artificial light pollution.
Building on these efforts, in October 2024, 16 councilors from the Civic Platform (KO) submitted a motion to Mayor Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, advocating for the development of a comprehensive plan to combat light pollution. They emphasized the need to establish guidelines that balance public safety with environmental and landscape protection. This initiative was partly spurred by public opposition to a proposed illumination park on Góra Gradowa, which was ultimately canceled due to environmental concerns.
These combined efforts by academic institutions and local government reflect Gdańsk’s commitment to reducing light pollution, thereby safeguarding the well-being of its residents and preserving the natural environment.
PLAN-B as an active actor in the Gdansk situation
The municipality of Gdansk and Gdansk Tech have held a series of meetings over the last few months to analyse the light pollution situation in the city, and together they are looking for solutions to mitigate this problem. Both institutions are part of our project and will work together, with the support of the rest of the PLAN-B consortium, to implement pilot activities in the city that will contribute to the reduction of light pollution in the area, with a special emphasis on outdoor cultural activities such as local music festivals.
If you want to know more about the Gdansk case on light and noise pollution gere you have some articles (in polish):
Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4, Link 5.
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Featured image: Gdansk Naszemiasto /Przemysław Świderski