Our Day To Day
News, events, research, citizen science campaigns and results of the PLAN-B project.
PLAN-B, presented in the Beat the Big Buys podcast
Our colleague Yana Yakusina was a guest on the Sandy Rosenthal's podcast and had the opportunity to present the objectives of our project to her audience. Sandy speaks with Yana Yakushina (Ghent, Belgium) about her focus on establishing a legal framework for...
The PLAN-B piloting activities starts in Gdansk to tackle noise and light pollution
The Gadnsk Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Poland) hosted the first PLAN-B meeting to set the scientific roadmap for the piloting activities in the city. Review of Site Visit Objectives The meeting started with a discussion on overall objectives for...
Project meeting at Gdańsk Tech on April 18-19 for PLAN-B
The first project meeting at Gdańsk Tech on April 18-19 for PLAN-B (The Path towardsaddressing adverse impacts of Light and Noise pollution on terrestrial Biodiversity andecosystems), which is funded by the EU program "Horizon Europe". On 18 and 19 April, a meeting...
Meet the PLAN-B consortium: The Ibercivis Foundation
PLAN-B's engagement with citizens will be articulated through citizen science methodologies, which will be piloted in participating cities. Ibercivis will collaborate in the engagement strategy of the pilot cities, offering its experience in projects where citizen...
EURODARK 2024 Symposium recap
From March 14-17, 2024, our colleagues and members of the PLAN-B consortium Yana Yakusina and Alejandro Sanchez participated in the EURODARK Symposium, a remarkable event organised under the esteemed patronage of DarkSky. This event has been an amazing opportunity to...
PLAN-B invites you to endorse the Light Pollution Manifesto
In November 2023, during the EU Spanish Presidency, a significant meeting on light pollution challenges and responses took place. This assembly brought together experts, policymakers, and other stakeholders to deliberate on the urgent issues surrounding light...
PLAN-B & AquaPLAN meeting
The Collaboration between PLAN-B and AquaPLAN starts: Strengthening Transboundary Efforts. On March 11, 2024, representatives from the sister projects PLAN-B and AquaPLAN (Aquatic Pollution from Light and Anthropogenic Noise: Management of Impacts on Biodiversity) met...
Dark Sky Week | April 2 – 8, 2024
International Dark Sky Week is a worldwide celebration of the dark and natural night. For many, the dark night is often misunderstood, unfamiliar, and frightening. But the natural night is filled with wonder and awe, and is critical to the health and wellbeing...
[Media] Gdańsk Tech anounces the launch of PLAN-B
The Gdansk Tech portal informs about the launch of the PLAN-B project. The project participation of Gdansk Tech is an inter-faculty alliance between the Faculty of Architecture and the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Gdańsk University of...
[Article] The world at night: : preserving natural darkness for heritage conservation and night sky appreciation
Through its monographic series "Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines Series" the IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature - has published the report "The world at night", which has benefited from the work of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas...
[Article] Why flying insects gather at artificial light
Explanations of why nocturnal insects fly erratically around fires and lamps have included theories of “lunar navigation” and “escape to the light”. However, without three-dimensional flight data to test them rigorously, the cause for this odd behaviour has remained...
AquaPlan kickoff meeting
Our colleagues from PLAN-B Yana Yakusina and Professor Mike Wood had the incredible opportunity to attend the kick-off event of PLAN-B Project's sister project - AquaPLAN - in the enchanting city of Pisa, Italy.The event not only unveiled the future endeavours of both...