Welcome to the PLAN-B European Project
noise and light pollution
for a Sustainable
The Path Towards Addressing Adverse Impacts of Light and Noise Pollution on Terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecosystems
Key outputs of PLAN-B

PLAN-B will create the enabling conditions to support and enhance activities planned in the EU biodiversity strategy and provide a new path towards meeting the EU and international biodiversity targets.
An Innovative Framework
A framework and supporting handbook for assessing light and noise pollution impacts to inform environmental decision-making
A Pollution Database
New Scientific Models
Innovative Pollution Solutions
Legal & Policy frameworks
Recommendations for enhancing legal and policy frameworks to reduce light and noise pollution impacts on terrestrial biodiversity
Communities of Practice (CoPs)

An alternative plan is required to achieve the the EU’s 2030 biodiversity target. PLAN-B takes an integrated, multidisciplinary and multi-actor approach to deliver better understanding and support reduction of light and noise pollution impacts on terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem services.
The PLAN-B Project areas of work
Noise Pollution
Light Pollution
Noise pollution
Light pollution
Ecosystem services
Outreach & Impact
Combined effects
Prevention & Mitigation

The Path Towards Addressing Adverse Impacts of Light and Noise Pollution on Terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecosystems
The PLAN-B Project Blog
The European Light Pollution Manifesto
Light Pollution Policy & Regulations A significant focus of our project is dedicated to analysing existing regulatory frameworks aimed at addressing light pollution, as well as proposing the most effective regulatory and policy measures to strengthen environmental...
The light and noise pollution issue arrives to the House of Lords
A policy brief recently published by the House of Lords Library focuses on the damage caused by noise and light pollution. The document summarises the general effects of light and noise pollution and how the issue is regulated in the UK. A policy brief recently...
The PLAN-B hybrid event: Consortium meeting & Stakeholders workshops
From 5 to 7 February, the annual hybrid event of our PLAN-B project took place in Leipzig (Germany), which served to present the progress of the project in its first year of development, and to join forces with its network of stakeholders through workshops and joint...
Gdańsk Takes Action Against Light Pollution: A Step Towards a Darker, Healthier Night Sky
City Officials and Researchers Collaborate to Reduce Artificial Light’s Impact on Health, Wildlife, and Urban Landscapes Gdańsk is increasingly recognizing the adverse effects of light pollution on both human health and the environment. In response, the city is taking...
[Article] Light pollution regulations and where to find them
We're so happy to share with you our first article on the classification of light pollution regulations, by Yana Yakusina, been peer-reviewed and officially published in the highly ranked Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier) (Q1). This marks a significant...
[The PLAN-B Network] Latest updates from the Interreg North Sea DARKER SKY project
Our colleagues from the Darker Sky project share the first results of their activity in Brest on the impact of light pollution on their bird population. They also invite us to its Mid-Term Event on 25 March 2025. First results and new lighting at our Brest...
Let’s get in touch!
Get involved in PLAN-B!
Communities of Practice
A CoP is a group of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.
Local communities -including public authorities, private companies generating light and noise pollution, local researchers and NGOs and citizens- will work together to monitorize the light and noise pollution in their local areas.
Local biodiversity monitoring programmes will be invited to work with these communities of Practice, share their knowledge and improve their practices related wit noise and light pollution.
Four regions will host these Communities of Practice: Germany, Poland, Brazil and Spain. Stay tuned if you want to take part in thes communities during the project.
Meet our consortium

4 years project

8 countries involved

12 consortium members